Questions & Answers

2012 RAM 1500 doors lock, but no start.

0 votes

First I would like to know if my key(FOB) will work with the EVO all. I got the EVO-CHRT4, does that come preprogrammed for a 2012 Ram 1500, or do i need to flash it?  Do I need a hood pin?  I connected the yellow cable which fixed my first issue of no blinking blue light.  The doors will lock and unlock, but no start on 3x lock.  I saw on one forum to try a lock-unlock-lock sequence.  I have not tried that yet.  Any help is greatly appreciated.


asked Nov 1, 2017 in Ram by Michael Robertson (200 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
What is the service number to the module.
answered Nov 1, 2017 by derek g (358,230 points)
selected Nov 3, 2017 by derek g
001A06 742307
Take the dark blue wire from the 20pin and ground it. If the RED LED turns on, the unit is not set to work in stand alone mode and options D1 and C1 need to be enabled.


The service number shows no options so it's highly possible that stand alone is not enabled. This is normally enabled at the time of install.
Thanks, the dark blue(hood pin I think) does go red when grounded.  My flasher arrives today, so I will check out those options and install the latest firmware.
you dont need to re flash it, simply enable options C1 and D1 then click "save options" plug back into vehicle and re test.
Thanks, got it all working.