Questions & Answers

EVO-ONE RF942 no antenna LED

0 votes
Installed EVO-ONE car starts with OEM remote, and valet button works.   After using the OEM unlock I tried to program 942 and can not ever get a blue LED on antenna blinking or solid, even following the on-off-on instructions. Valet button on antenna does not work. I checked out the antenna cable and it is good.  I do NOT get a blue flash of the antenna LED when I plug in the antenna connector. Tried plugging the antenna into the Flashlink programmer and it can not be detected even when "special unit" is checked. Is there anything else I can do to determine if it is a bad antenna or something else ?
asked Feb 3 in Other by Joseph Wasco (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


If it doesnt light up I would verify first pin 3 for ground and pin 4 for 12v constant.

If power and ground are both present then I can only summize that it would be the antenna itself.


You can also call our tech line when you have the module, antenna and vehicle on hand to troubleshoot the issue with an agent.


Best regards.

answered Feb 3 by derek g (358,230 points)
Measured voltage with antenna plugged in, 12 volts on the pins, no LED.
Replaced the antenna with a new one.  Everything now  works correctly, initial antenna was defective.
Thank you for the follow up, glad you got it all sorted out.