Questions & Answers

parking light flash 3 times , and no more action ....any idea..? evo one

0 votes

 start but se check your question was not asked already:

  • with  corolla 2019 automatic , with yellow wire cut,receive signal to start , no cranking , juste flash 3 times parking light , i wipe with other evo one module and every thing goes
any idea?
asked 3 weeks ago in Toyota by yvan beaucage (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

3x flash would be ready mode, for manual transmission vehicles, if the loop was cut I would check to make sure the loop didnt short out against something causing a false error code.

4x flash woud be valet mode

5x flash would be hood

Best regards.
answered 3 weeks ago by derek g (347,180 points)