Questions & Answers

RFA2A Cable required with NIST1 THarness EVO-All?

0 votes
I've just purchased (but not yet received) an EVO-All with NIST1 t-harness kit, along with RFK441 remote, reading the instructions it vaguely mentions an "RFA2A" cable. Is this required to make it compatible? Or does the tharness already have the adapter on it? Thanks!
asked Dec 29, 2022 in Infiniti by Steve Nah (210 points)
edited Dec 29, 2022 by Steve Nah

1 Answer

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Best answer


Yes you will need the rfa2a.


Best regards.
answered Dec 29, 2022 by derek g (358,230 points)
selected Jan 20, 2023 by Steve Nah
OK, does that cable come with the RFK441 kit or will it need to be purchased separately? There is no mention of this item on the Fortin website, only a vague mention in the installation instructions. I have read some of the t-harnesses do not require this. It's very confusing! Thanks again.
Depending on how it was purcahsed. If the part number read rfkall441 then the adapter is included, if it was just rfk441 then it is not included.
Where is this adapter mentioned on the Fortin site? I want to purchase it but it's not listed? I am located in another country (Australia) so it's not easy to locate. Thanks.
The adapter is not for sale on our website. It is available through authorized distributors or re sellers.
OK thanks. There is no distributor in Australia, is there a way to get around using this cable? I noticed another thread discussed bypassing this cable and wiring it differently, is there a schematic or diagram showing how to do this? Thanks again.
Yes that would work.


Here is the guide for 441 and rfa2a with evo-all