Questions & Answers

2010 toyota venza with PTS will not start using compustar cm6200 and evo all

+2 votes

Evo All service# 001A06282907    Firmware 4.18

I installed the system using guide#8601. The evo all programed fine, the remotes, door lock and trunk work fine.

The tach and hood wires are not required with the evo all per fortin's guide.

I am having problems with the remote start.

I followed the fortin guide and everything was connected as instructed.
I press the remote start button on the remote and the car receives the signal to start. It flashes twice and turns on the dash cluster like is going to crank but it doesn't even try to crank. The odd thing is it turns the dash off and then on twice before giving up on the remote start process.  Is like it tries 3 times to start but doesn't crank.
Any ideas? 
I tried learning the tach, going tachless and changing the crank time but still did the same. 
I reseted the evo all and reprogrammed. Now the car cranks for 0.5 sec but does not start. Then it does the "dash on and off"3 times again. The remote flashes 3 times after failing to start(the error code for 3 flashes is "doors open(manual trasmissions only) but I cut the green loop inside the CM6200 module to make it automatic.
I tried increasing the cranking time to 1 and 1.5 sec. but still will not start and it only cranks for like 0.5 secs.
I did the tach learn process and was not succesful.
I think this is related to the tach and door pin wires not being connected as instructed in the guide, could it be?
Note: when I start the car with the key the yellow led on the evo all is the one on.
Thank you
asked Jan 12, 2014 in Toyota by William2 (1,630 points)
reshown Feb 12, 2014 by William2

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi William,


3 Flashes mean the remote sarter thinks your vehicle is a manual transmission. Start by reseting the remote starter itself.


After resetting the remote starter, go into the remote starter programming options and look for the setting that says Fortin datalink protocol. Make sure to change it to Fortin.  If it was never manually changed, it would explain why you do not get tach, door status (probably any outputs of the EVO) sent to the remote starter.


I would highly recommend that you also update the EVO to the latest firmware for Toyota/Lexus.
answered Jan 13, 2014 by Robert T (303,700 points)
Hi Robert,

I did changed the setting manually to Fortin protocol and that is how I got the Evo all to program.

I reseted the CM6200 and now I am not getting the 3 flashes on the remote when it fails to start but also now I am not getting any error messages (flashes) on the remote.

The evo all has the yellow and red lights on while trying to remote start is this normal?

What setting do you recomment to use for tach? tach, tachless or other?

Also cranking time? standard or +0.5secs?

I will try to reflash the evo all to the latest toyota/lexus firmware tomorrow. I will write back with an update.

Thank you

You can use tachless or program a tach. With the CM6200 i think you have to program tach datalink before actually trying to learn a tach.


You shoudln't have to play around with crank time.


The RED and Yellow will turn when remote starting.

  • Red indicates ground is present on the ground-when-running wire. Meaning, its receiving the signal from the remote starter that a start was initiated
  • Yellow indicates that ignition is on. You will see 12V on the yellow wire of the EVO.
I changed the options to tach and did the learning process for the tach and was succesful. Crank time is in standard setting. But still it will not start. I will ge the evo reflashed tomorrow for the toyota/lexus firmware and let you know. Do you know why it may not work with the 4.18 firmware? Maybe the Fortin guide should say program to 79.00 toyota/lexus firmware and not "or". Also I paid the $5.00 for the wirecolor pictures and it references different location cables to work with than the fortin guide#8601. Like for example the TX, RX, ignition, 12Volts. I don't know if it matters but just FYI.

Apologies for delay, many posts are in the flagged section pending approval.

Also I paid the $5.00 for the wirecolor pictures and it references different location cables to work with than the fortin guide#8601. Like for example the TX, RX, ignition, 12Volts. I don't know if it matters but just FYI.

The wirecolor dates back to 2010 for this vehicle. We did a completely different type of installation back then and would grab the wires at the actual push button. You can actually take the Tx / Rx there or where it is written in the installation guide.

Maybe the Fortin guide should say program to 79.00 toyota/lexus firmware and not "or"

Latest update for Toyota is 79.11 for vehicles that do not crank. We list the firmware in which it was tested at the time in Montreal by our techs and dealers. I completely agree, the "or" should not be in any guide. The only reason it's there in this particular guide is that 4.18 and 79.00 are actually the "same thing". The only difference is that 79.00 is Toyota/Lexus only. 4.18 inlcudes all makes and models up until 2013-01-28 if we already covered it.

