Questions & Answers

2004 dodge durango evo-one thar-chr5 Blue light doesn't stop flashing

+1 vote
During programming when I plug in the white E 6 pin connector blue light goes out. When I turn the key on the blue light starts flashing. Doesn't stop flashing at step 6. After starting the vehicle with key it, the yellow light comes on and stays on. When i try 3x lock, the blue light flashes once per lock, but does not try to start.
asked Feb 5, 2020 in Dodge by P Mo (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the blue light turn off when connecting the white E 6 pin connector, this means the module sees 12v on the ignition wire (pink wire) there should not be any voltage on this wire when ignition is off.
answered Feb 5, 2020 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)