Questions & Answers

Ignition not wired according to Tharness wiring but shown wired in regular installation wiring

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Guide #71221 for my prius shows a yellow wire going to connector A pin A1 on the Evo One.  I traced the wiring on my t-harness and it only goes to the 7 pin steering lock connector which isn't connected and spliced on the wire that shows it should be isolated.  But on Guide #59741, it shows a wire from to a connector on the fuse box.  I'm unsure why it's needed there, but not needed when using the T-harness?


This is for a 2018 Prius hybrid using an EVO One
asked Feb 1, 2020 in Toyota by thomassster (290 points)
edited Feb 1, 2020 by thomassster

1 Answer

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Best answer
Because we can read ignition through the can bus. It should detect it connected or not.
answered Feb 3, 2020 by derek g (346,390 points)
selected Feb 7, 2020 by thomassster
I just like to report for anyone using this tharness and vehicle, I made sure to select tharness as the connection when flashing and remote start occurred with no issues.