Questions & Answers

Evo-Start with Evo-One

0 votes
Can an Evo-One and Evo-Start combination be used even if the vehicle does not have a transponder/CAN support?  Vehicle is a 2005 Hyundai Satna Fe.  All connections will be hardwired and vehicle does not have a transponder.  Is the Evo-All an analoge starter out of the box ready for this sort of application?
asked Oct 29, 2019 in Remote Starters by Brian Sahid (420 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
evo-one can be used as a regular start. Just plug it in. No car/bypass programmingto do. Set it to Tachless 20.2 since there is no TACH input.


e400 might be a better choice though if you can get your hands one. Just make sure it's a Hardware 2 so that it works with the EVO-START.
answered Oct 29, 2019 by Robert T (303,700 points)
Thanks for the reply.  Got the Evo-One installed and working.  Using a RFU-Compu with RF901SS kit.  Not getting the Evo-Start to program properly.  Following procedure: programming button 5x, press brake pedal 1x, LED on EVO-Start does not flash blue.  Any ideas?  Also when I plug in the Evo-Start antenna I lose the response from the remotes, Evo-Start harness plugged in it works fine. Disconnect only the antenna and remotes work again.