Questions & Answers

Crimestopper RFALL642W does not work with EVO-ONE

0 votes
I have connected Crimestopper RFALL642W to Fortin EVO-ONE installed on Toyota Sienna 2019 per Fortin manual I have the following issue. When I connect the RF kit to the remote starter the blue LED on the RF kit antenna flashes one time. After that, when I try to program the remote transmitters per the same manual (turning ignition on and off, using the valet switch and brake pedal) I cannot get any antenna LED response. The LED on antenna always stays off and I cannot program the remote transmitters. In addition to that, the button on the RF kit antenna does not work when I try to use it as a valet switch per another Fortin manual. The RF kit is connected to EVO-ONE using a simple cable, not T-harness. EVO-ONE is configured with default/recommended options for my car. The firmware version is 79.[54]. The 3xLock start is enabled and working fine. Do I need to change any options on EVO-ONE so that it can communicate with the RF kit? Is my RF kit faulty?
asked Oct 2, 2019 in Toyota by Alexey Kozlov (430 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
Where did you plug in the rf kit?

Try pressing unlock on the OEM remote first, then try the programming with the valet swtich.
answered Oct 2, 2019 by derek g (358,230 points)
selected Oct 3, 2019 by derek g
(1) To the blue connector on EVO-ONE, of course.

(2) Your advice to press unlock on the OEM remote first was very helpful. I was able to program my remotes with the valet switch. The issue has been resolved. Thank you so much! I think it would be a good idea to update the installation manual with all those details.
not all vehicles work off the oem remote