Questions & Answers

Will MyCar report alarm triggers from EvoAll Alarm?

0 votes
2016 Yukon. EvoAll standalone with alarm. Want to know if connected MyCar will provide alarm trigger reports.
asked Jun 3, 2019 in Bypass by KOZ (750 points)
edited Jun 4, 2019 by KOZ

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes the app will give alarm notification  if you connect the yellow wire from the MyCar piece to the vehicles positive horn wire.
answered Jun 4, 2019 by derek g (357,480 points)
Positive horn? As in after the relay under the hood?

Couldn't use the horn output from the EVO-ONE? I have a seperate siren installed.
Upon speaking with some of my other team members, the evo-one should give alarm notifications through data.


However if your vehicle has an OEM alarm, yes you would have to hook the yellow wire to vehicles positive horn wire i.e. at the horn under the hood for that to provide oem alarm notifications to the app.
I'll give it a try and find out!
Doesnt work on data. Works with yellow wire tied to siren output.
Thank you for the feedback I will report this to the proper department.

What is the service number to the module?
Thank you.

Everything else worked fine?
EVO-ONE was set to Fortin2 and the MyCar set to Fortin protocol?
Yes. Everything else works fine