Questions & Answers

I purchased a used vehicle that has EVO-ALL installed. How do I obtain validation code?

+1 vote
I purchased a used vehicle - 2014 Honda Pilot Touring.

Installed is a FIRSTECH CM7200 starter system and an EVO-ALL bypass module.  The antenna is an ANT-2WSP.

Q1: I would like to enable the remote features using my iPhone.  I also understand that the features can be used through the OEM remote key as well.

Q2: How can I find out all the features that are available with this equipment as currenly installed?

The car dealership has not been able to help.  Can you please provide direction?

Thank you.
asked Mar 25, 2018 in Honda by DJ (140 points)
edited Mar 25, 2018 by DJ

1 Answer

0 votes

Q1: I would like to enable the remote features using my iPhone.  I also understand that the features can be used through the OEM remote key as well.


Yes smart phone apps and oem key can be used, what telematics device have you purchased? 


Q2: How can I find out all the features that are available with this equipment as currenly installed?


Supported features can be found on page 1 of the evo-all installation guide.

answered Mar 26, 2018 by derek g (357,480 points)