Questions & Answers

Evo All - Brake Output Delay - Sonata 2015 PTS

0 votes
I did an install on my Hyundai 2015 Sonata PTS with the Compustar CM7200 brain. Everything is functional but the issue that I am having is that upon entering the vehicle after a remote start if I press the brake the car stops a few seconds later as opposed to immediately. This is a big problem as sometimes I forget to press the PTS button twice after entering the vehicle and I press the brake to put it in gear and the car shuts off while the transmission is shifting gears into reverse. This causes the car to leap as if it stalled in gear and I can be certain this is not good for the transmission at all. I've usually done installs with iDatalink and it shut off immediately as soon as I put the foot on the brake pedal before I even have the chance to switch the gear. This is my first time using the Fortin with brake input using CANBUS.
asked Nov 22, 2017 in Hyundai by sgobiraj (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Brake status on CAN is typically 2 seconds on these vehicles. But I would suggest testing the following. 

  • Turn ignition on or start car with key (push button)
  • test the black wire in the evo 20-pin connector while pressing and release the brake.
  • See how it reacts and report back
answered Nov 22, 2017 by Robert T (303,700 points)
Please also include evo-all service number.