Questions & Answers

2017 GMC Terrain All Features Don't Work

+1 vote
Unit is on 70.24 heated seats don't come on, but rear defrost does and power liftgate does not work. Master reset unit, reprogrammed, same thing.
asked Nov 10, 2016 in GMC by Devon Gurrola (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Thank you for the information!

Does the vehicle remote start ok? Just asking because we don't even list the 17...

Heated seats only turn on below -5C if they will even work...not sure seeing as we haven't even seen the car...same goes for the liftgate it may not on the 17 may have changed.
answered Nov 10, 2016 by derek g (357,530 points)
Vehicle starts fine. Using a compustar CM7000 (MAX IT)

Being that the rear defrost turns on the seats should as well, but don't. I was thinking some coding had changed as the actual liftgate wire is not in the same spot at the BCM as the 16.

Another issue that popped up is alarm will go off approximately 20 seconds after arming reporting a shock sensor even with DAS sensor unplugged.