Questions & Answers

2015 explore starting by itself

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If I plugged in the red plug the ignition would turn on and it would say system start fault. So I reprogrammed the box with the red plug not hooked up. And the blue light lite up when you pressed the lock and unlock buttons. If you hit the lock button 3 times the red light came on then the amber like it was starting the vehicle and you could hit the lock button 3 more times and the Amber light turned off. I am assuming that is how it normally works. But if I plug the red plug in the ignition turns on and the screen say system start fault and I be be leave the Amber light turns on on the box and that's without touching anything only plugging in the red plug. If you try to hit the lock or unlock button it does nothing. The only way to get it to turn off is to unplug the red plug.

asked Feb 8, 2016 in Ford by Kevin Foecking (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
How did you connect the Brown/White wire to the vehicle?
answered Feb 9, 2016 by J M (64,120 points)
I hooked it to the yellow/blue wire. I have unhooked it since realizing that was not right.
Unfortunately, improper connection of the NEGATIVE parking light wire to a positive wire will result in damage to the evo-all unit.

So to clarify, the second the red connector is plugged in, the vehicle's ignition powers up? Does the vehicle also start?

Thank you
No as far as I can remember I'll double check. It say start system fault. If the key was in the ignition it would start.

If the Brown/White negative parking light wire was at anytime connected to the positive parking light wire and both those wires were energized, that will cause damage to the Evo-All unit which in turn cause any number of strange issues with the unit.

If you are going to try another module, please do not connect the parking lights they are not necessary for remote starting, connect new module, program and test, if fully functional, only then do you connect the parking lights following the relay wiring as shown in the guide. Sane thing for the doorlock and doorpin wires.

Also double check that the loose yellow wire from the t-harness is not connected to anything. The yellow/black from the t-harness should be connected to the yellow of the 20 pin connector.



Thank you.


Went and got a new evo all to see if I had fried the other one by hooking the lights up improperly. Plugged in the new one and it works great.
Glad to hear it's working now!