Questions & Answers

GWR not needed on dodge in data mode?

0 votes
i was looking up the manual for the evo-all with t-harness and noticed there is no GWR connection listed, is this accurate? I ask because it appears to be needed on all other platforms i've used and if so why is it needed on other firmwares (hyundai and ford for example)?
asked Dec 7, 2014 in Chrysler by Adam Pepin (10,150 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Technically you do not need it in any installation using datalink. I would still connect it as habit even though a guide would indicate not required in datatlink. The only vehicles I wouldn't bother connecting it is in the Nissan / Infiniti with a Tharness.
answered Dec 8, 2014 by Robert T (303,700 points)
so its not needed on any vehicle while in datalink mode? for example if i was to use it on a hyundai which lists it as being a required connection?
GWR is normally offered through datalink.
so even though the guide says its a required connection (bold line) its not needed in datalink mode?
Next car you do. Don't connect the GWR. If it gives you problems, connect the GWR.