Questions & Answers

2005 Dakota No Remote Start

0 votes
EVO-CHRT5 RS with T-harness. Using as stand-alone remote start with oem remote. A1 connected to Ign 1 & A15 connected to grounded hood switch. When inserting 20 pin connector blue light goes out, comes back on when key is turned on to continue programming balance of programming seems OK. After remote is programmed yellow light stays lit. Do get blue light & horn honk on remote activation but no attempt to start.
asked 2 weeks ago in Dodge by jay12345 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

There is no stand alone for a 2005 dodge dakota, remote starter is required.


Best regards.
answered 2 weeks ago by derek g2 (344,470 points)
The website returns EVO-ONE as a remote start solution for this vehicle - is that correct?

Thank you
Yes evo-one would work for this truck.