Questions & Answers

Installing RFKit to exiting (recently bought) EVO-ONE

0 votes
Recently bought EVO-ONE to toyota tacoma which came preinstalled firmware. Had not ordered RF kit at the tim of order. Now want to RFK442 or RFK942 for better range.

Question. 1 - Do i need to enable RFkit support or is that already come enabled by default?

Question 2 - Any easy way to validate firware setup or do i need to purchange flash link\

Question 3 - Assuming need to purchase Flashlink interface unit, what is the step to just enable rfkit support without messing existing programming/setup.
asked Jan 4, 2021 in RF-Kits by P Patidar (390 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
1- no, evo-one is made to accept fortin remotes by default

2- yes, provide the module s/n number and i can tell you what firmware is inside

3- answer question 2 and ill let you know if you need a flasher or not to add your rf kit.
answered Jan 4, 2021 by derek g (337,260 points)
Unit has Firmware 79.65 & Hardware - 4.0

To add RFKit, do i need to change configuration of evo one ?
RFkit worked w/o any firmware modifations.

Howver After connecting unit and looking at firmware unit using link interface, did not find menu to change RF kit support for non-fortin RFkit,

Appreicate help.