Questions & Answers

2020 Honda Accord (-) horn wire

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I have evo-one working great with 3X remote start and now want to hook up a shock sensor and vehicle horn for alarm....Where can I find the (-) horn wire and what color is it? 2020 Accord Sport 1.5T.
posté Fev 20, 2020 dans la catégorie Honda par Rodrigo Lopez (180 points)

1 Réponse

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It should be a (-) blue wire at the horn switch clock spring connector on steering column, 20 pin connector, pin 2 or 10. Test with computer safe teset light before connecting.
répondu Fev 20, 2020 par derek g (347,180 points)
élue Mar 2, 2020 par Rodrigo Lopez
Pin 10 blue wire was it.  Thanks.