Questions & Answers

Backup power for Evo-ONE? Just to make siren work properly on main power cutoff

0 votes
Sometimes RF unit gets shut off during start, take few minutes to restore gps and network connection back.. so decided to install extra battery. There's a nice 520T device that also trigger alarm on main power cut off. But i need evo-one running on backup battery to control arm status. Wiring battery without Evo-one will trigger siren when it's not even armed. So.. can i connect too power sources to evo-one? High and low power at the same time?
posté Sept 19, 2019 dans la catégorie FAQ par Alexander Oliynyk (660 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
evo-one needs constant power and ground to function.

Whether its a external 12 volt sla battery or the cars battery should not make a difference, just as long as its 12 volts.
répondu Sept 19, 2019 par derek g (358,230 points)
Not "external" battery, it's a tiny backup battery to hangle a GPS receiver aka SmartStart2 for a little bit and let "people" know the power is still ON even after they cut main power off. Remote start attempt will totally kill the backup bettery.

Is it any magic wire I could put trought extra relay to turn on/off remote start functionality of Evo-One? Imitating 3 times click to disable valet mode is a little bit too much

Connecting both sources is not a good idea, as it's remomended to disconnect car power during USB flashing.. or not really?
Ground the hood input, the remote starter will not remote start.