Questions & Answers

2010 Sienna Limited Remote Start

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Does your evo one support the remote start for 2010 Toyota Sienna Limited? If yes, does it support the factory key fob or i have to buy an aftermarket RF kit? Does it support the Key Takeover feature? And do you have any plug and play harness for this year model? My Sienna has Standard key system.


posté Juil 17, 2019 dans la catégorie Toyota par Phat Dam (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
EVO-ONE does not support 3x lock from factory remote. RF kit required.

Yes, it will perform the take over feature.

No, there is not plug and play harness all connections must be hardwired.
répondu Juil 17, 2019 par derek g (347,180 points)