Questions & Answers

maxima 2010 pts , viper remote start and evo-all

0 votes
in the diagram of evo-all installation guide show that the lock and unlock wire of the remote start connect to the bcm and also connect to purple and purple/white wire of the evo-all , but i try to do another way because i cannot get to the bcm ,  i have all the wire color information of the car , the lock wire and unlock wire in the car is blue and red at POWER WINDOW MAIN SWITCH , if i dont connect lock and unlock wire to the bcm , can i connect it to the wire at POWER WINDOW MAIN SWITCH ? if i connect the lock of remote start to blue wire of the car and to purple of evo-all , unlock to red wire of the car and purple/white of evo-all , can i do like that ?
posté Jan 15, 2016 dans la catégorie Nissan par bao dinh (740 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
this can be done in the drivers door main switch, but you will have to test the wires first.

Unlock requires a double pulse for dis arm.
répondu Jan 15, 2016 par derek g (347,180 points)
i will test the wires before connect them together ,  thank you for your help .