Questions & Answers

No heating/air when remote starting using EVO-START

0 votes
So I just got the full EVO-START installed in my 2018 Toyota 4Runner this monday and whenever I remote start the vehicle, there's no heating/AC/air coming out until I get inside the vehicle, put the key in, and then move the heating/AC knob.

I already had an EVO-START 2 on my previous vehicle and heating would turn on with the remote start.

Please advise
posté depuis 2 semaines dans la catégorie Toyota par jeremie86 (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

If this was installed by yourself can you please provide the S/N number on the back of the evo-one module? Also if a t-harness was used, which one?

If installed by a shop it would be best to simply contact or return to the point of installation to show them the issue.

Best regards.
répondu depuis 2 semaines par derek g (359,100 points)