Questions & Answers

PTS(-) on Mazda and horn wire on Subaru

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Hello. 1. What is the wire for the horn (orange-black) in the Subaru diagram for?                                                                                                                 2. Sometimes in Mazda diagrams on the wire for the PTS (-) it says "for idle mode"... And sometimes it doesn't say. Is this wire needed for remote start?
posté depuis 4 heures dans la catégorie Mazda par G M (15,480 points)
ré-ouvertes depuis 3 heures par G M

1 Réponse

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Horn is for audible confirmation for lock and unlock with an rf kit. It is not mandatory.

Idle mode is when you want to leave your car runnig while you go into the store, idle mode is not needed for remote start, it is optional.

Best regards.
répondu depuis 4 heures par derek g (347,180 points)
élue depuis 3 heures par G M
On this wire is not always written this Idle Mode...Should it always be indicated? Or is it sometimes needed for remote start?
If it is for idle mode the guide will mention that it is for idle mode and will probably say optional.

If the guide does not mention idle mode then it is for remote starting and would be a mandatory connection.