Questions & Answers

Remote stop working

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Remote was working & now It will start car & shut off in couple seconds with key error . It does have the key taped inside the coil ,and another coil around the ign . I removed the taped up key & the key starts the car . If I leave a key in the ign , the remote will work . Its like the box is not reading the taped up key . EVO-ALL 001A06-743857 . I also have issues with Electric Park Brake . Not sure if this will cause issues . Car is Automatic .
posté Oct 22, 2023 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par Terry Terry Gilks (130 points)

1 Réponse

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You have succesfully narrowed down your issue to your keywrap installation. The box does not "read" the key, it is simply a relay that connects both coils you made around the actual key and the pickup ring around the ignition switch.
répondu Oct 23, 2023 par J M (64,120 points)
Thank you for the reply . I took the harness apart & I have 3 connectors going to the EVO_ALL box . 2 wire connector for the key coils ( one around the key under the dash & the other coil wrapped around the car ign cylinder ) I did unplugged the 2 pin connector & have continuity through the 2 pin connector unpluged . I do see where they spliced the lower coil in series . I tested both coils & have continuity in both . When I plug the 2 pin into the box I still have continuty ? Should this be open ? There are only 3 connectors going into the EVO-ALL box ,2 pin for the key ,another 2 pin twisted data connector and 1 yellow 12 volt ign wire .  If I put key in the ign  & remote starter works .If I take key out & press the head of it on the car ign cylinder ( it start & shuts off ) This is the same if I have the wrapped coil around the ign cylinder or not . so the only way it works is with the key in the ign  ( off )  Key has to be in the ign , If I hold the key against the ign ,it will start & shut off.  so the remote starter is not seeing the chipped key .. Is There anyway for me to test the EVO-ALL box ? Not sure what to do for next step .
Any answer on next step ? any way to bypass the EVO-All Box ?/

You can test if your keywrap is good, by simply shortin out the 2 wires of your coils around the key and the ignition switch where they go into the evo all.

If your keywrap is done right, the vehicle should remotestart while these 2 wires are shorted together, if it does not remote start then either your coil around the key or the ignition switch, or both are not good.

If the vehicle remote starts when you do the above test, then that would normally mean the evo all is not closing the circuit when needed. Double check connections to the red relay connector, white/red, white/blue and white/green

