Questions & Answers

2018 atlas with key, invalid key data. How do I get past this step?

0 votes
Tried reseting module, and reprogramming 3 times. Appears to program correctly. It has the t harness, and looks like vw6 and vw2 combined.
posté Dec 15, 2022 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par (160 points)

1 Réponse

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If a reset was done, you need to re flash 64.xx into the unit before re programming it in the vehicle again. Be sure you are using the R-link for programming.


If this is your evo 001A07239027 You could also try updating the firmware to 64.09 then re attempt programming and dcryptor.


Best regards.

répondu Dec 15, 2022 par derek g (347,180 points)