Questions & Answers

Cranks no start

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2012 Camry SE installed EVO-ONE w/LinkRLT doors work, crank but don't start
posté Avr 11, 2022 dans la catégorie Toyota par Raymond Santiago (360 points)

2 Réponses

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SN:   002B04  224734

I start the car then press the start button and works fine
répondu Avr 11, 2022 par Raymond Santiago (360 points)
élue Avr 16, 2022 par Raymond Santiago
Please turn off option D2 in the bypass, also enable option 2.4 in the remote starter then re test.
thank you so much it worked
+1 vote
What is the S/N number to the module?


Does idle mode work?
répondu Avr 11, 2022 par derek g (347,180 points)