Questions & Answers

Dcryptor Really needed

0 votes
Hi, I want to buy an EVO-MAZT1 for my 2014 CX5 automatic, push button to start and I want to use the stand alone remote starter feature...

My question is the following, Do I really need to buy the updater and use the decryptor or is it an option?

Cause it's starting to addup quite a bit, thank you

Thank you
posté Oct 11, 2021 dans la catégorie Mazda par Sylvain Brousseau (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Dcryptor is required along with 2 master key for programming the unit.


Also please be aware, the evo-mazt1 programming is quite lengthy and designed for trained installers.


Best Regards.
répondu Oct 12, 2021 par derek g (358,180 points)