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volvo xc 60 2014 starting issue using EVO ALL in ONE

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i have some problems with EVO ALL in ONE installed on 2014 VOLVO XC 60.all programming was ok, including key clonning.when i give start comand, there are few times (3-4 in row) when engine starting for 3 seconds and stop.( no LED on, stop signal form EVO module ), other time engine running for 1 min. ( red &yellow LED on ) and after that stop again ( stop signal from EVO module ) , some times ( only few times, like 1 time from 10 atempts) engine running as the VIPER 5901 is programmed ( 20 min ) and all ok.

diagram guide 75641.

my opinion is that EVO unit doesn't detect de correct RPM, or there is another isue.

Please advise.
asked Sep 22, 2020 in Volvo by cata baran (130 points)
reshown Oct 27, 2020 by Robert T

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the S/N to the module?


Did you try setting the viper to voltage sensing to see how the vehicle reacts?
answered Sep 22, 2020 by derek g (357,580 points)
yes, Viper is on voltage sensing, actualy the problem is with EVO Module, the Stop signal is comming from module not from Viper.Even after engine stop, Viper pager is indicating that engine is running, despite that engine was stop by EVO module.

As i observe, imediatly after start, in 3 sec, there is +12V on foot brake comming from EVO module in the same time with engine stoping.The voltage is not from car electric system, i disconnect the wire and measure.

EVO all in one S/N:001A07068536

"As i observe, imediatly after start, in 3 sec, there is +12V on foot brake comming from EVO module in the same tie with engine stoping."


What wire are you testing when you see this?


D5-white/blue the wire going to BRAKE ( i disconnect the wire and +12V i have on the pin D5 whithout to be connected to car wire ).
If you disconnect it and press the brake yourself does the car stay running?

"If you disconnect it and press the brake yourself does the car stay running?"

i didnt try tis option.

with wire connected /disconected i have the same isue, i was thinking that engine is stopped ue to "lights fault check" done by CEM, this is the reason i disconect the wire, but there is nothing change.

the only gues is that the EVO module is not reading the RPM after engine is started and this is the reason why is stoping the engine after 3 sec.

when finally engine running ( even for 1 min ), after 5 sec the red+yellow LED are on, so the EVO unit is recognising the engine running.

I believe there is some isue with reading of engine RPM on the first sec, and after that remaining the question, why EVO module is stopping the engine after 1 minute running, when Viper setting is 20 min.

it is more easy if there is an option to send 2 or 3 video with the EVO module behavior when i try to start the engine.

evo shuts down the car when it loses the GWR from the remote starter. 



1. Connect the RED/BLUE on the EVO to the remote starters START output. This will prevent the EVO from sending the BRAKE ON status to the remote starter via datalink while it is attempting to start the car.


the above will most likely solve your issue


"1. Connect the RED/BLUE on the EVO to the remote starters START output."

one question before to connect, just to confirm is the "RED/BLUE" wire no.A9 and NOT "DARK BLUE" wire no.A8.


Connected RED/BLUE to the Viper remote start, there is an improuvement that from 5 consecutive starts now i have only one max 2 fail.

But still have the isue with engine started and after aprox. 1 min engine will stop.

Now the isue is on the following way:

Start the engine, RED/YELLOW led are one, engine running.after aprox 1 min engine is stop, on the Viper Pager indications is that engine is running and counter come to 19 min.after 30 sec, the engine start alone (BY PTS/EVO UNIT) without any comand from VIper pager and running ,and the Viper pager now is reset to 20 min again (like a new  start command ) .

Before to connect the RED/BLUE there was no atempt to start again the engine.

Any ideea??

thanks in advance.
Your viper is probably having a hard time detecting the tach if ir restarts completely after shutting down. All remote starters will restart the car if tach is lost.
now is on voltage detect.

i will try with no detection, the 3rd option.

like this Viper module should not look for any signal to detect if the cal is running or not.

one question.there is any way to give a start signal ONLY to EVO ONE module direct, without Viper module involved? to see if real the problem is comming from viper or from evo.

one more thing i observe, when engine running with remote start, if i open and close the door i get the message in dash pannel that KEY IS MISSING, the engine running but with this message.if i insert the original key and i open and close the door the message wil disapear.if i remove the key all ok untl i open the door and close, again the message comming.

thanks again
The key missing is normal since the smart key is not physically in the car. The bypass programs to the RFID chip in the key and not the smart key itself.


EVO-ONE option 38.3 will make the middle of the shock sensor port a (-)trigger input.

You can simply enable 38.2 3xlock start to test it though.


Technically, even though it is not listed, you can also try simply enabling D1 in the EVO-ALL and test the evo in stand alone mode 3xlock. Leave a window open when testing since the oem remote probably does not work while the car is running. module is EVO ALL in i see you tell me to try to enable D1,i hope it will work with my module.

Thanks again.


After try the following settings "Technically, even though it is not listed, you can also try simply enabling D1 in the EVO-ALL and test the evo in stand alone mode 3xlock. Leave a window open when testing since the oem remote probably does not work while the car is running" now there EVO ALL stop working, no comunication with CAN, no comunications with D2D.

I revert all settings back but there is no changes.

The only thing is that after 1 min i get 4 YELLOW FLASHES. no other reactions from module.

When I connect to flash link manager module is recognised.

UPDATE !!!!!!!

I did master reset, reprogramed again the module including options as described above, now the module is working but with the same isue,

I try to start from 3xLOCK but no starting, i get 4 YELLOW Flash.

I try to use comand by wire, but "EVO-ONE option 38.3 will make the middle of the shock sensor port a (-)trigger input" is only signat for lock/unlock doors ( i try and the other external imput and same ).

UPDATE !!!!!!

after NO answer on my last tests, i try several car config and the only one working close to normal is the XC70.with this car config, the are no isue with engine starting, but I still have the isue that EVO ALL is shuting down the engine after aprox 1 min.

The stop command is not from VIPER remote start 100% sure, because my remote is showing that engien is running until next command given to pager and parking lights are flashing like the engine is running.

At least now i get one error code when engine is stopped by EVO ALL.: 3 three yellow flashes after engine stop.

Please explain what kind of error is 3 yellow flashes after engine is stopped by EVO ALL module.

thanks in advance.

3 yellow flash is datalink communication problem between the evo and the remote starter. The evo shut down because it didn't like something in datalink from the starter and actually prevented the car from actually never shutting down :)

60 seconds after ignition, if the module does not receive a start from the remote starter it will cancel everything.

possible solutions:

  1. Connect the red/blue of the evo to the remote starter (+)starter output.
  2. Connect the viper ignition wire to an ignition wire on the car. A diode will need to be installed so that the remote starter DOES NOT power up the circuit. 

hello Robb

Thanks for your answer.

as per your suggestions, item 2 already done from the begining.

ref to item no.1, as I understod i have to connect the red/blue wire to the output of the starter relay ( the one for crancking like normal key ) with a feed of +12v for 0,4 sec.

please let me know if i understood correct in order to try this option.

"60 seconds after ignition, if the module does not receive a start from the remote starter it will cancel everything."-but the start command was given on the begining through D2D and that should be ok for evo module,why should be a second "start" command through D2D in the 60 sec period?normally evo module should whait for "stop" command from remote starter, or at least as long there is a feed on GWR  to keep the engine running until signal will disapear.

thanks again.

Red/blue would connect to the REMOTE STARTER (+) starter output. Not to the vehicles starter wire.


If you already connected the remote starter ignition wire to the vehicle,  there should have been a diode installed as well.
Hello,i try your suggestions without any succes.all the same as before. Ref to ignition wire,there is one diode as you suggest from the begining. Any other ideeas? Thanks in advance.
Not really, that install is still listed as Beta.

Remove datalink and go wire to wire instead?

Use an EVO-ONE instead of the viper+evo-all?
Where i can find diagram for wire to wire? To use one evo one i'm afraid because of the problems with evo all in you see it is not 100% compatible,so there is not any quaranty that evo one will be more conpatible. I like to go for wire to wire,can you give me the diagram and the settings for flashing the module? Thanks again.

your issue is with datalink though. 


You can reference any other  evo-all guide to see which wire does what. like this one.


There are no settings to change in the evo. Simply cut the blue and white wires in the datalink connector.

Thanks Robb,i will try now to see. UPDATE!!!!! Even wire by wire the evo module is shuting down the engine after one minute and the same error,3 yellow flashes. I did all the wires,engine starting but running 1 min. I changed and the settings as "STAND ALONE" in order to cancel all D2D comunication.....same. Any ideeas?sure there is a bug in evo module firmware...any help?

There is no options in the unit that turns off datalink. To go wire-to-wire, you need to cut the blue and white wires in the datalink connector.


connect the yellow wire to the the vehicles ignition. no diode needed.


also make sure you are on the right immo wire. 2 wires same color, both will program, and only 1 will work properly.

Yes,wires are done as per diagram,diode is used only for viper in/out ignition,all the rest ar as pe diagram.the wire for D2D are cut,so there is not connection. In the settings are off all data connections,etc. All connections including IMO are correct,rechecked again now.
I have no other suggestions at this time.
If you have any option or how to contact someone from technical in order to check/download/upload any data from evo module to see where is the problem.some person from software develop etc.