Questions & Answers

What is the Best option for Bluetooth Kit

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What kit would u reccomend for bluetooth remote start / Door unlock ? I did not want the smart start due to paying for a service fee. Would really like to use the bluetooth kit. I know there is a couple by DEI, Viper ,Drone did not know which one would work best with this system?
asked Mar 18, 2016 in FAQ by Wes McIntosh (280 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

When using an Evo-All you can use the DEI smart start module that is compatible. It will require the flash link updater to enable the proper option for that module.

Also Text2Car is also compatible.

here is the guides for both

Smart start


answered Mar 18, 2016 by derek g (358,130 points)
selected Mar 23, 2016 by derek g

Not really looking for these options. They are a paid service trying to avoid if possiable. was looking for something like these. Viper VSK100 SmartKey or the DEI VSK Smartkey or something like this. 

Those are the 2 confirmed compatible modules for the Evo-All at this time.
What all do u need to get this to hookup to the unit?
Flash link updater 2.

Everything else is outlined in the guides i previously linked!
ok i have the flash link. How would u hook these up and what other hardware is needed. The links were to the smart start which is a different module.
Yes those 2 links are the compatible modules with the evo-all.

The others you mentioned are not compatible at this time.

Ok sorry miss read that. What about this.

Could u use the XL202 and the 8210 RF adapter kit with the VSK100?? Instead of the DSM50BT? Just a thought?

As this has not been tested i do not know if it will work.
But the DSM50BT does work ??


Here is a list of compatible RF kits and the guides associated with them

From the form posting they said this.

From the information I could get online about the DSM50BT, It looks like you would need the XL202 and the 8210 RF adapter kit and then you would just follow the connection guide for the Evo-ALL/XL202 (guide number 20161)


The main difference I could see between the Bluetooth module and the regular GSM based unit is that the Bluetooth module does not have a 4 pin D2D output.


I will check with the engineers when they come in and confirm if it is compatible.

image answered Mar 10, 2015 by Jesus Monroy (23,220 points)

I checked for you and it would seem that you can hardwire the evo-all to the dsm50bt using the analog wires, (lock, unlock, start.) on the H1 harness.

Will this work????

I just wanted to double check to see if the DSM50BT was support. Someone posted in a previous form

Wanted to know if this would work? From previous comments it looks like if you have XL202 and the 8210 RF adapter kit and then connect the wires into the H1 adaptor that this would work. Any suggestions? I am really wanting to use the PKE Feature do u have any recommendations???

After further investigation, we are still waiting to get our hands on an actual DSM50BT module to be 100% sure that it will work in datalink connection mode.

In theory, it should work with an xl-202 plugged in between bluetooth module and the evo-all set in d2d datalink protocol. but like all things in theory we can only know once all pieces are plugged together.

On the other hand the DSM50BT does have analog outputs that can be connected to an Evo-All
Thanks for the information. I think that the VSK100 should be the same way . I looked at the sheets and compared the VSK100 and the DSM50BT and they wireing looks identical so i think it would work as well. Going to give it a shot. if not i can us it in a different car.

Ok I have been experimenting. Was hoping for some suggestions.I Bought the Viper VSK100 Hooked it into the Fortin Evo-All and in standalone mode. Here are the Wires i have hooked up and if it works or not. Would like some suggestions?

Viper Red 12v to Fortin Red 12v -- Works

Viper Black ground to Fortin Black Ground -- Works

Viper Green Lock to Fortin Purple Lock -- Works

Viper Blue Unlock to Fortin Purple/White Unlock -- Works ( Kicks ignition on. Was wierd)

Viper Pink Trunk to Fortin Green Trunk/Door Pin -- Does Not Work ??

Viper White Start/Stop to Fortin Red/Blue Start -- Does Not Work ???

Any suggestions.? I have tried to enable the Dei/ Smart Stop option but does not do anything.Should i try connection the Viper Pink (Trunk) to the Taurus Brown / Yellow  ?? What about the Start where does it go??

The ignition coming on when you unlock is normal on some fords since this is the way we disarm the oem alarm, (ignition ON with immobilizer key codes sent)


As for the other wires, these inputs and outputs change depending on what mode the evo-all is in, "standalone, with a remote starter, etc...)


Your White (start stop) wire from the vsk, should not go to the red/blue, it needs to be connected to the Yellow/Black (external input) of the 20 pin


Your trunk release output from the vsk can be connected directy to the vehicle just as long as when you you send the trunk release command it also sends a  disarm signal to the evo to eliminate the chance of the oem alarm ringing when you pop the trunk.

Please look at this guide to see which wire you should connect to when the evo is in standalone mode :


The GREEN wire in the 20 pin connector is a doorlock OUTPUT when the evo is IN standalone mode, do not connect to this wire while in standalone.

The Red/Blue wire is an actual starter wire INPUT wire when the evo is NOT in standalone mode, this is the wire that an ACTUAL separate remote starter would be sending it's 12v starter signal to tell the evo to start the car, No NEED if the evo is in standalone mode.


Thank you.




ok that worked. Thanks for all the help . So i can confirm that the Viper VSK100 works with the Fortin-EVO Standalone mode.One more questions. Was looking at the install for the smartstart why would i need the  XL202 and the 8210 RF adapter kit ?? I orderd them and am debating if i really need them or if i can send them back.??

No seeing as you connected the modules wire to wire with analog connections and its now working you should not need those parts. Thanks for letting us know it works!
if i did want to get the smart start would i need these?

here is the link for the dei smart start and the evo-all. Does not look like those would be needed.

You will need a 4 pin data cable that has the larger D2D plug in order to connect the 2 together.

Thanks for the support. Glad i could help u out and let u know that worked.
The DEI Smart start appears to be discountinued, I have the Evo-all and wish to add smart phone connectivity, which models on the current market can be used (plug and play) with the Evo-all? Thank you

All evo-all compatible RF kits (including smart phone kits) are listed here:

**Please note their are 4 models of the smart start that are compatible with the evo-all, the dsmc200, dsmc250, vsmc200 & vsmc250.**
