Questions & Answers

FSA-206 no tachometer error

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I recently purchased a used 2012 Honda Pilot, and the keys included 2 FXT5 remotes - that started me on a search for a remote starter, and I have identified what I believe to be an FSA-206 (unfortunately the installation location makes it difficult to confirm).

For some reason, the starter has worked twice, but more commonly returns 4 flashes - a no tachometer error.  How can I troubleshoot this error?
asked Nov 21, 2018 in Honda by Matt Haley (130 points)

1 Answer

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You must first confirm the tach signal, it might be cominmg from purple wire, or might be coming from bypass module.
answered Nov 21, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)