Questions & Answers

Lol another rear defrost question

0 votes
Ok so I have successfully installed an evo one into a 2020 Kia Forte. Everything is working well except the rear defrost on aux1. I was trying to hook multiple switches to the output but it wasn't working. Anyway I removed all the connections and opted to troubleshoot. I decided to just start with rear defrost. I have checked the aux with a 12v circuit tester and I do get a .5 sec pulse. I got the wire location from wire Front of fuse box red connector labeled 186 in pictures, black wire. Anyway I tapped the wire and connected the aux. when I try to turn on the rear defrost with the app I get the rear defrost led come on as long as the pulse lasts and then goes out.

does this behaviour seem familiar to anyone. I tried to test the voltage at the tap and it came out 0. When I pushed the button I got a slight voltage and then 0 again. When I pushed the button again it repeated the same thing.

i using a digital multimeter so I wasn't able to get a good read on the voltage but it jumped to about the same voltage each time. I'm not sure what any of this means except maybe I need a positive pulse. Just not sure why the led would come on during a neg pulse.
posté Mai 6, 2020 dans la catégorie Kia par James armstrong (300 points)
modifié Mai 6, 2020 par James armstrong

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Negative output must be latched, not pulsed.


Enable option 25 mode 6 in your evoone remote starter options.
répondu Mai 7, 2020 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
I did what you said and my rear defroster now comes on. Thank you.

i tried the heated steering wheel after to see if it would come on and it does but it cuts out after a few secs. I'm assuming that it doesn't use a latch signal. The rear defrost stays on btw.