Questions & Answers

Ford transit 2016 not starting

0 votes
Look at the Video.. you see it all. nothing happens on the dash at all Using Evo-all , with RFA2A and RF641W remote
posté Mar 6, 2018 dans la catégorie Ford par Remi Mercier (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
At this moment all your options A1-A11 are off. Turn those options ON, reprogram the module and try again
répondu Mar 6, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)


Thanks for your answer


activated option a1 to a11, having the same issue!
You must reprogram with 2 factory keys and pass the dcryptor process in flashlink manager.
Ok, but in the programming prosses, it never asked to do the Decryptor. I remember doing it on my 2015 F-150 but its not in the guide ford the Transit 2016.
You're right my mistake, no dcryptor on Transit.

Make sure you have 12v on white/blue and the diodes on white/red are not backward.