Questions & Answers

Why doesn't my vehicle remote start?

+1 vote
I have just installed an AutoPage C3RS625 with an EVO ALL(I used D2D)on my 2014 PTS Kia Soul and I cannot get the vehicle to do anything when I press the remote start button. When i press the remote start button the remote beeps 3 times as soon as the button is pressed. I am not familiar with AutoPage and I am not sure if anyone else here is. I think my EVO ALL programmed but it does not do what Fortin's instructions say it should do.

I press and hold the programming button plug in the data cable then plug allof my other cables in press programming button once then 6 times. I then turn the key on the Red LED flashes 10 times and then goes out, the blue LED flashes and continually flashes and never stop flashing and the red LED never comes back on like the instructions say it should.

The lock, and unlock function properly but nothing for the remote start. I have Hardware 6 and the newest firmware. I am not sure what settings should be on and off and when I hook the flash link to my PC no settings are selected.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
posté Nov 25, 2014 dans la catégorie Kia par Ryan Coleman (270 points)

2 Réponses

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Meilleure réponse

Autpage starter you want to use Autopage datalink protocol, this is option F2 - AP/OFA datalink  in the EVO, turn that on.


When remote starting, what LEDs on the module turn on ?

Does ignition turn on? If it does turn on, does the vehicle crank?

What is the 12 digit service number on the EVO?

répondu Nov 25, 2014 par Robert T (299,650 points)
élue Dec 1, 2014 par Robert T
OK so it was not in valet mode or manual trans mode. I did get it to work though, just not properly. I changed the tach setting from "techometer check" to "voltage check" and then programmed that accordingly, and the vehicle will now remote start.

My new issue is that I can get in the car NOT press the ignition button and apply the brakes and the vehicle does not shut off. I can shift it into any gear and just drive away and never have to press a button.

Lastly my Service # 001A06 292688.

The RED LED on the EVO will answer that problem since the remote starter is the one controlling if the vehicle stays on or off. The RED LED should be turning off. A full test would be, sit the vehicle without the factory remote and doors closed, start the car, push on the brake.

Lastly my Service # 001A06 292688

Looking at the options in your EVO, there are odd things goind on.

  • A1 to A11 should be ON  (they are default ON)
  • B2 should be OFF
  • C1 doesn't matter
  • D5 is not required if doors do not unlock when ignition turns off
  • F2 should be ON, not F1
I tried changing my settings to the ones you said Robert. Still no success. I also did the test you said and the RED LED does not go out.

I don't know if I am doing something wrong when I change my settings but when I hook it back up to my PC all of the settings are back to what they were. I hit save my settings and then disconnect the unit.

Am I doing something wrong when I edit my settings?

I tried changing my settings to the ones you said Robert. Still no success. I also did the test you said and the RED LED does not go out.

If the RED LED is not shutting off when pushing the brake, then the remote starter is not shutting down when the brake is applied. The Autopage receives brake status through datalink from the EVO. Quick way to test that the EVO is reading the brake status off the car would be to turn ignition on and test the the black wire from the 20-pin connector of the EVO for brake status. If you are getting 12v on that wire when applying the brake (while ignition is on), then forget about datalink. If you're not familiar with using datalink and setting protocols in the starter and the EVO accordingly, datalink will give you more problems than anything else. Not using datalink is easy anyway, cut the the blkue and white wires in the 4-pin datalink connector and connector the dotted lines from remote starter to EVO in the installation guide.

Am I doing something wrong when I edit my settings?

Just make sure it says Connection Mode : Bypass on the bottom left corner of the Flash-Link Manager. If it says Connection Mode : Remote Starter, disconnect the unit and hit the Toggle button to switch connection modes.


To sum up:

  1. Master reset the EVO to clear previous programming, master reset will also set options back to default automatically.
  2. Do the wire-to-wire connections, forget about datalink. Cut the blue and white wires in the datalink connector and connect the dotted lines in the install guide.
  3. Reprogram the EVO-ALL to the vehicle. Don't go change any options.
  4. Program the tach setting in the remote starter.
  5. enjoy

Here's the master reset procedure :

  1. Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector.
  2. Let go of button when LED is RED.
  3. Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate.
  4. Disconnect unit, she is now reset.
I believe I finally have it working properly! I changed all options to what you said again Robert and still no luck. I checked for 12v at the black foot brake wire and was getting a reading of 0v with the pedal pressed.

I performed a master reset and then tried, I was then reading 12v when the pedal was depressed but was not shutting the vehicle off. I found the wire from the AutoPage harness that was for the footbrake and connected those two.

So after the master reset on the EVO and I connected those 2 wires and the ignition button is now working properly as is the brake pedal. If I step on the brake without pressing the ignition button the vehicle now turns off as it should and once I remote start and press the ignition button twice I am able to takeover and drive away.

Thanks so much for all of the help!!!!
Excellent job!
0 votes
Yes your programming is ok. Make sure your autopage is not in valet mode or set to manual transmission mode.
répondu Nov 25, 2014 par Ryan Coleman (85,210 points)