Questions & Answers

2012 Hyundai Sonata PTS - No ignition control - EVO All

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2012 Hyundai PTS

Fortin EVO All with Fortin LTE

Connected all wires as per installation instructions. Bought Flash link and flashed to 17.31 following the wizard. Programmed Frotin Evo module to vehicle(blue LED blinks rapidly). When pressing starting lock 3x - module sounds internal relay is clicking and parking light flash however dash ignition does not come on. Checking EVO all diagram - RED Connected D2 yellow/blue start+ wires goes into 1n4004 diodes - strip facing towards PTS button - then to yellow/black and yellow/orange. ignition does not turn on.

Disconnected the diodes to measure direct and yellow/blue wire for voltage output...getting zero volts when remote start is requested. Tried to reflash Fortin 4 times and still have not been able to get voltage output from d2 yellow/blue.

I am missing something or is there internal module fault?
posté Mai 20 dans la catégorie Hyundai par kevin vuong (130 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes

How many times do the parking lights flash? Its giving you an error code.

What is the S/N to the module?

Thank you.
répondu Mai 21 par derek g (336,040 points)
0 votes
4 flash - which is - "ignition before start"

Fortin Serial 001A07 602557
répondu Mai 21 par Erika Eugenio (180 points)
Please connect the unit to the flash link and in the options turn off settings protection. Save it in the off position.

Once that is done, return to the vehicle and perform a master reset:

Once the reset is done, return to the pc and turn ON/OFF the follwing options

A11: OFF

C1: ON

D1: ON

D6: ON

If you have an rf kit turn on the appropriate options for that kit.

Leave all other options in there factrory position.

Save options.

Return to the vehicle, re program the unit to the car (blue led) and re test it.


Also an easy way to test your start/stop connections and diodes, Apply 12v to the yellow/blue wire at the red connector of the evo, this should turn your ignition on if the smart key is in the vehicle. holding the brake and applying 12v a second time should allow the vehicle to start.


Vice versa can be said for the brake wire testing as well, applying 12v to white/blue at the evo's red connector and pressing the start/stop button yourself should allow you to start the vehicle if the smart key is inside the car.

Best regards.
this worked out great! thanks!
Glad to hear, all the best.