Questions & Answers

evo all not sending key code

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working on nissan frontier 2016 using crimestopper rs4g5 with evo all to the latest updated. truck will not start but put key in barrel and starts. it seems it must be timing issue the red light comes on when remote starting  i did find everytime i try to program bypass i put it on yellow and hit it 2twice but say to wait for yellow light to stay on but all 3 lights come on solid turn key on and all the rest of the programming do what it says in the manual i need help
asked Sep 13, 2017 in Nissan by steve m (1,340 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?

When you remote start the vehicle what is the first light to turn on on the evo all module?
answered Sep 13, 2017 by derek g (336,040 points)
service # 001a06603024

red light comes on
If the module has programmed exactly as shown in the guide, I would verify what side of the cut you placed the wire.
with yellow and green wire on harness side not connector side and i tryed swaping wires still did not do any thing

yellow/ green is the relay wire, im asking about shouldnt even be connected to yellow/green....


Also after re reading your question i cannot determine...has the module actually programmed as shown in the guide?

yes but when you start the programming with yellow light hit the button 2 times it flashes then after some many fast the red,blue and yelow light goes solid on
So the module has not programmed properly then?

I would suggest calling tech support to help you program the module in the vehicle.
