Questions & Answers

EVO-ALL won't program on 2009 F150

0 votes
Installed EVO-ALL on my 2009 F150 and can't get it to program with 2 keys. Afetr cycling both keys, light on box is red (steady) and pushing and holding does nothing. I have double checked connections and I have tried several times. Connected to Encore E-5 remote start. I am using 2 original keys stampped with S.
asked Dec 10, 2016 in Ford by Doug Campbell (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please provide the service written on the back of the module.
answered Dec 11, 2016 by Doug Campbell (85,210 points)
Service #001A06 631592 Hardware vr: 6 Firmware vr: 4.18 Date 03/2016 Type 2